
How To Add Blog Image To Blogger

To add an image to a blog post or page you can upload a file from your computer, insert an image from your blog's Media Library, or link to an image hosted on another website such as  a public image archive. You can adjust image alignment in a paragraph, change the size an image appears on the page, add a caption, and more.

Note: Your blog comes with 1 GIG of storage. To preserve storage space, we recommend resizing large images before uploading. If you upload full-sized digital camera files, you will soon run out of storage!

To add an image gallery or slide show, see Create Image Galleries & Slide Shows on Your Blog.

Insert an Image in a Blog Post or Page

  1. On the Dashboard Main Menu, click Posts or Pages. Add a new post or page, or open an existing one to edit.
  2. On the Add /Edit screen, in the text entry box, place your cursor where you want to insert the image.
  3. Above the Editor Toolbar click Add media.
    add media button is located above editor toolbar
    The Insert Media dialog opens to the Media Library.
  4. In the Insert Media dialog select the image to insert:

    To upload an image from your computer:
    1. Click the Upload Files tab (at top).  The Insert Media dialog will fresh with the message: "Drop files anywhere to upload."
    2. Drag and drop an image file from a window on your computer desktop onto the upload window, or to browse for a file to upload, click Select Files, then click Open. The Media Library tab will open showing a grid of images in your library, and the thumbnail for the newly added image will be highlighted and checked indicating it is selected to insert.
    Note: There is an upload limit of 20 MB per upload.

    To select an image already uploaded to your blog:
    1. Click the Media Library tab. Thumbnails of the images in your Media Library will be displayed.
    2. Click on an image thumbnail to select the image to insert. The selected image will be highlighted and checked.

    To select an image stored on an external Web site:
    1. In the Insert Media panel (at left), click Insert from URL. The dialog title will change to Insert from URL.
    2. Enter the URL to a .jpg or .png image.
    Note: This method does not work with the shared link from Google Drive or Box. Also, settings described below for adjusting dimensions, scaling, or cropping, are not available for images inserted from a URL

  5. Once you've selected the image to insert, review the Attachment Details (at right) and enter as needed:
    • URL: This is the permanent address for the image. (Not editable)
    • To crop, rotate, or scale the image, click Edit Image (below the image thumbnail and file information). For details, see Crop and Scale Media Library Images below.
    • Title, Caption, andDescription: Depending on your theme and plugins, these may display in various ways.
    •  Alt text: (Required) Enter a text description of the image for visually impaired or other visitors using screen reading software (necessary for accessibility compliance).
    • Link to URL or Custom URL: To make the image a link to website or custom file, enter aURL. (See also, Link to settings in Step 6.)
    • Custom Target: To make a custom link open in a new browser Tab, select New Tab. (Default opens the link in the same browser window).
    • Crop Position: If you choose a preset size  (see Size,below) with a different aspect ratio than your original image, you can control how the image will be cropped. Click a dot in the grid to focus the crop on the most important area of an image.
  6. Below the Attachment Details, set theAttachment Display Settings (you may need to scroll down to see the settings options):
    • Alignment:
      • Noneinserts the image "inline" in the text.
      • Centered inserts the image on it's own line, and centered on the page.
      • Left or Right positions the side of text and wraps text around the image.
    • Link to: To make a small version of an image to open to the full-sized image in a modal overlay, select Media File.
      To make the image "unclickable," select None.
    • Size: Select a preset or custom sizefor the image to display on the page. Chose bewteenThumbnail, Medium,Full-sized or Custom.
      Note: Preset dimensions vary according to your blog's theme. Themes are responsive and will reduce the display size of over-sized images to fit on the page without breaking the layout or distorting the image.
  7. Click Insert into Post/ Page. You will be returned to the Edit screen where your image will appear on your post or page.
  8. To save changes, click Update (at top-right on Edit screen).

Edit Image Details for an Inserted Image

You can change how an image appears after it is inserted on a page or post.

  1. On the Edit Post or Page screen, click the image. Icons will appear at the top of the image you can use to Align,Edit orDelete.
    click the image for tools to align, edit, or delete
  2. To align the image in its paragraph, click an alignment button (Align left, Align center, Align right, or No alignment).
  3. To shrink the image without distorting, drag diagonally a corner handle. (If you enlarge the image, the quality will suffer.) You can also resize the image in the next steps by editing the image details.
  4. For additional options, click the Edit icon (pencil). The Image Details dialog will open with options similar to theAttachment Details and Settings you see when inserting an image.
    1. In the Image Details dialog, set the properties for your image.
    2. To save the changes to the image, click Update (at bottom). The Image Details dialog will close and you'll be returned to the Edit Post or Edit Page screen.
  5. To save the changes to the post or page, click Update (upper-right).

Crop and Scale Media Library Images

WordPress provides image editing tools to scale, crop, and rotate images. Each time you insert a version of an image that has been rotated, cropped or scaled, WordPress stores a hidden copy in your blog storage and preserves the original for future use.  This lets you post different sizes and crops of the same image on different pages of your blog.
Note: These tools work only for images uploaded to your blog's Media Library and will not work on images inserted from a URL.

Edit an image

You can edit an image from the Media Library before you insert it on a page,  while inserting, or after inserting the image.

  1. To open the Edit Image interface for an image:

    From the Media Library:
    1. From the Dashboard toolbar clickMedia Library, select the image.
    2. Click Edit (below the image name). The Edit Image modal pop-up will open.

    From an Edit Page or Edit Post screen:
    1. Click Insert media, or for an image already inserted, click it'sedit icon (pencil) to open the image properties.
    2. Under Attachment Details (at right. below the preview image) click Edit Image or Edit Original.  The Edit Image modal pop-up will open.

  2. In the Edit Image pop-up:

    To crop the image
    1. Drag across the preview image (at left) to select the area to preserve.
    Alternately, you can enter an aspect ration (e.g. 1:1 for square), or precise pixel dimension under Image Crop (at right), then drag the Crop box from it's center to position it.
    2. Click the Crop icon. The preview image will refresh showing your changes.
    3. Below the preview image, click Save. You'll be returned to the Image Details dialog.
    screenshot of crop interface (click to enlarge)

    To scale (resize) the image
    1. Under Scale Image (at right), enter a new pixel dimension for the height or width (You only need to enter one dimension. WordPress will calculate the other to prevent the image from being distorted).
    2. Click Scale. The preview image will resize to the new dimensions.
    Note: Undo and Redo buttons above the image preview only work before you save changes.
    3. Click Back (at bottom-right).  The Edit Image dialog will close and you'll be returned to the Image Details dialog..
    screenshot of scale interface  (click to enlarge)

  3. Click Update or Insert into Post/Page. The Image Details dialog will close and the edited version of the image will be inserted.
  4. To save the changes to the post or page, click Update (at right on Edit screen).

Restore an Edited Image

Each time you go to insert an image that has been been scaled, cropped or rotated, you'll see the most recent edited version. To restore the image as originally uploaded:

  1. Below the name of an image in the Media Library that you have edited, click Edit. The Edit Media screen will open showing basic editing options.
  2. On the Edit Media screen, below the preview of the image, click Edit image. The screen will expand to show the full editing options.
  3. Click Restore Original Image (at right). The panel will expand to show the message:  "Discard any changes and restore the original image. Previously edited copies of the image will not be deleted."
  4. Click Restore image. The image will appear as originally uploaded.
  5. Click Save. You can now insert a new copy of the image.

How To Add Blog Image To Blogger


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