
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Metal Sonic

TheSonic the Hedgehog live-action film was one Hollywood romp that surprised nearly every moviegoer even remotely curious about the attempt to bring everyone's favorite blue video game blur to the big screen. The movie was a big gamble that paid off big time, and now has a sequel in the works that is due out in 2022.

Many fans are expecting a lot from the second installment in Sonic's big screen adventures, especially due to the fact that the first film laid all fears to rest that a live-action Sonic movie could actually work and got all the necessary character and world building out of the way. It's easy to come up with all kinds of wild speculation about Sonic the Hedgehog 2, but there are some predictions that seem all but guaranteed to be true.

10 A Return To Mobius (Sonic's Home World)

The firstSonic the Hedgehog film felt like it was playing it very safe due to the doubts about video game movie adaptations. No one can blame the studio for this, as these adaptations usually don't go well by any means. This is why the first film followed the standard buddy comedy/road trip format.

However, many are expecting the original human characters to be simply present for the earliest parts of the follow-up film with Tails appearing to take Sonic back home to Mobius (or whatever they'll be calling his home world) to stop Eggman and the Echidna Tribe from causing trouble.

9 Knuckles Will Appear

Speaking of the Echidna Tribe, who viewers got a quick look at early on in the first Sonic film, it's to be expected that Knuckles will be appearing as the stand out Echidna of the second Sonic movie. In fact, it has been reported that Jason Momoa was offered the role of the conflicted character.

One prediction many are sharing is that Knuckles and the rest of the Echidna Tribe will start off as villains due to some kind of misunderstanding, much like in his video game debbut, and will later join Sonic's side after finding the truth.

8 Dr. Robotnik Will Return & Be In Full "Eggman" Mode

One prediction aboutSonic the Hedgehog 2 that is almost a no-brainer is the big return of Doctor Ivo Robotnik as the villain. Jim Carrey's star power helped to draw attention and legitimacy to the first film, and he delivered in his return to his classic over-the-top '90s comedy form in the role. It would be a major disappointment if he didn't return for the sequel.

This time, however, fans are ready to see the good doctor in his much rounder and more cartoonish glory as seen in the video games and most other adaptations of the character, which was already teased at the very end of the previous film.

7 It Will Feature More Locations & Setpieces From The Games

With the story possibly taking place more around Sonic's return home with his buddy Tails, one thing everyone is excited for is a world closer to that seen in the classic Sonic video games.

Green Hill Zone (the main inspiration for Mobius' look in the first movie), Chemical Plant Zone, Angel Island, the list goes on. There are so many locations that fans of the series want to see hit the big screen— and thankfully, due to this film most likely being closer to the games, that may happen.

6 The Chaos Emeralds Will Be Introduced

The first Sonic film didn't go into the power MacGuffin of the Sonic franchise. Fans know that the Chaos Emeralds are the key to Sonic's true power and are required for the true ending of severalSonicvideo games, in addition to allowing him to go into his Super Saiyan-like Super Sonic form.

This movie might just be the one to introduce that, as the first already went into one powered-up form of Sonic. As cool as the "blue lightning" Sonic was, what every Sonic fan truly wants to see on the big screen is Super Sonic in all his glowing yellow glory.

5 Metal Sonic Will Be The Movie's "Final Boss"

Fans have been wondering just what invention Eggman will be bringing to the table to take on Sonic this time around, as his Eggmobile flying machine has already been taken out in the first film.

Well, this time around he'll most likely be fighting speed with speed. For anyone that doesn't remember, at the end of the first film, Eggman showed he still has one of Sonic's super-powered quills. The power of this quill will probably be harnessed to create Metal Sonic, one of Sonic's biggest threats in the games as well as the comics and various TV series.

4 Sonic & Tails' Friendship Will Be A Main Plot Point

Every Sonic fan knows that Sonic and Tails have a friendship that can power through everything. In fact, their friendship has been one of the biggest focuses of the entire franchise ever since the two-tailed fox's introduction in the secondSonic video game.

It can be expected that the beginning of this brotherly relationship will be one of the main parts showcased inSonic the Hedgehog 2, which would be fitting to introduce in the first movie sequel like it was in the first game sequel.

3 The Plot Will Loosely Span The Events Of The Sonic 2, Sonic 3, and Sonic & Knuckles Games

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is a film that has a lot going for it. In fact, the story of the movie will most likely tackle the main plot beats of the games Sonic 2,Sonic 3, and Sonic  & Knuckles.

This means fans won't only see Sonic and Tails' adventures together begin, but the first meeting with the original iteration of Metal Sonic, as well as Knuckles' transformation from foe to friend.

2 Eggman's Animal Tech Will Be Developed

Another plot pointSonic the Hedgehog 2 might utilize the fact that Doctor Robotnik uses animals to power his evil machines. In the early games, animals popped out and hopped away from every single enemy that Sonic destroyed, and after boss fights, he'd jump on top of and destroy the capsules that housed the trapped animals still waiting to be stuck into robotic baddies by Robotnik.

This is an iconic piece of Sonic lore and will probably be the way that Eggman works around being stranded in a world without technology and electricity.

1 The Film's Ending Will Leave Room For Another Sequel

If done correctly, this film could deliver on a lot of fronts that a proper videogame andSonic the Hedgehog film should and could make for an awesome lead-off into more Sonic films.

Anyone can expect the film to leave room for a sequel and for a third film to be created if this one does as well as the first. The only question is whether the film will go intoSonic CDtime-travel territory or will feature Sonic returning to the human world for aSonic Adventure-inspired story.

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About The Author

De'Angelo Epps (425 Articles Published)

De'Angelo Epps is a writer that has been a huge fan of various comics, movies, anime, manga, and video games all his life. He's an avid reader, fighting game fan, and as you can see here a writer as well! As a writer at Comic Book Resources, he hopes to put his skills to the test to bring the best content possible. Keep a tab on him if you enjoy his work here and enjoy!

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Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Metal Sonic


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